Information sheet for “Living Well Course”

Thank you for your interest in the Living Well Course, which will be starting on 22nd June, on Wednesday mornings from 10-1130 at Batchwood Leisure centre, running for 4 weeks.


Week 1:  Living well and making changes.

Exploring what it means to feel well and the science behind this.  Moving from what’s the matter with you towards what matters to you.   Recognising areas you’d like to change and starting your wellbeing plan.

Week 2:  Purpose and Connection

The two most important pillars of wellbeing.  Finding your reason to live well.  Humans as social animals. The research behind the importance of relationships for living well and longer.

Week 3:  Movement and Nutrition

Our natural state is to be in motion.  Overcoming the fear of exercise with the joy of movement.  Small steps, significant benefits.

The best diets are not diets.  Food as medicine – right dose, right time, right relationship.  Food hacks – keeping it simple and achievable.

Week 4: Sleep, stress & relaxation

A good night’s sleep starts each morning.   Daily routine for nightly restoration, essential for long term physical and mental health.  Getting the right dose of stress and a good life balance.


Each 90 minute session will consist of a presentation and group discussion, led by our lifestyle medicine specialist doctors, followed by some simple and inclusive physical activity led by expert personal trainers.  No need for lycra, just come in comfortable clothes

Content will be available exclusively to group members after each session including a video recording of the session (participants will not be recorded), the presentation and further information.


Nothing much!  We would like you to complete this short and simple questionnaire before and after the course: Public Course PAM & Questionnaire. You can either complete it electronically and email it to, marked for the attention of Dr Pile, or print it out and bring it to the first session.

Here are 3 questions to think of before you come to the course:

  • What does wellbeing mean to me?
  • What has worked well for me now and  in the past?
  • What would I like to change in the future?

What to bring?

Yourself. Comfortable clothes. A bottle of water.