Children and Young People’s Health

Parkbury House Surgery Provides Children and Young People Friendly Services

Our Confidentiality Policy

We are here to listen not to tell.

  • We provide confidential services for everyone including young people under the age of 16. This means you can tell others about your visit but we won’t.
  • But! If we think you or someone else might be in serious danger of harm we would have to tell someone but we would try to let you know first.

Everyone who works at Parkbury House Surgery is bound by a confidentiality policy. The duty of confidentiality owed to young persons including under 16 years are the same as the duty owed to any other person. All patients can expect that their personal information will not be shared without their permission except in certain circumstances, when someone is at serious risk of harm.

Information about you is confidential from the most sensitive problems you want to discuss with a Doctor or Nurse, from letting anyone know you have visited the surgery or being registered at the surgery as a patient.

You can request to see either a male or female GP, you can always ask for a chaperone to accompany you. You can also bring a friend if you prefer. If you would like to talk to a receptionist or any member of our team in private, please ask, you will be able to talk away from the reception area. If you have any worries or questions about confidentiality please do not hesitate to ask us.

We welcome all children and young people to our Practice and our mission is to help you stay physically and emotionally healthy.

Your right to privacy

  • The duty of confidentiality owed to young people (including those less than 16 years old) is the same as that owed to any other person.
  • A young person under 16 years old can attend at least one appointment without parent/carer involvement. During this appointment the doctor or nurse will make a judgement as to whether the young person has enough maturity and understanding of the situation to make up their own mind.
  • You have a right to keep your personal health information confidential (private) between you and your doctor or nurse.
  • We will actively encourage young people to discuss any health worries with a parent or carer, and often young people are happy for information to be shared in this way.
  • However, if a young person is judged to be competent and wishes for this information to remain confidential, we will respect their wishes, unless there are safeguarding concerns.

Moving away to University but wishing to remain registered at Parkbury House Surgery?

We are able to accept ‘out of area’ registrations providing certain criteria are met. You will still be able to be seen by a GP practice near your university should the need arise! For more information please contact reception.

The services we provide/offer to Children & Young people:

Telephone or face to face consultations with GPs/Nurses providing:

  • Acne and other skin problems advice and treatment
  • Antenatal & Post-natal checks
  • Baby Immunisation
  • Chlamydia test and treatment – if you are sexually active and aged 15-24, you should be tested for Chlamydia every year or if you change your sexual partner. Ask reception for a testing kit or ask for a testing kit when you go into your appointment.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Drug and Alcohol problem support
  • Emergency contraceptive and advice.
  • Family Plaining and long or short active contraceptive advice e.g., pill, implants, as appropriate
  • Implant and IUS/IUD fitting and removal
  • Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccination
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Pertussis (pregnant women) vaccination
  • Seasonal influenza and pneumococcal vaccination
  • Sexual Health advice
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stress & Self Harm support
  • Teen Pregnancy Support
  • Weight Management

Useful Leaflets

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